
Calendar API

InstaForex proposes its partners to appreciate a new multifunctional marketing tool - Calendar API from broker’s official site. With the help of this service company’s partners can place Forex calendar on their resources thus getting most important economic news, data analysis, forecasts, and commentaries on every event online. Please note that, sending a request with a valid affiliate account, you receive the calendar for current and future weeks. For valid affiliate account the parameter "actual" will be removed from a piece of news 5 minutes after it is released. Sending a request with invalid or non-existent affiliate account or without any, you receive the calendar for current and future weeks with 40% of the news. The parameter "actual" will be removed one hour after the news is released. Calendar API is an indispensable, useful, and compact instrument specially designed for our partners. It will enhance your resource making it more actual and attractive. InstaForex provides its clients and partners with the most qualified services meeting all the requirements of modern Forex market services.

The document contains examples of applications for most widely used programming languages.

Example C#

var sc = new CalendarServiceClient();
{ var news = sc.GetCalendar(Lang.En, new Account {Login = 123, Password = "qweqwe"});
{ if(sc.State != CommunicationState.Closed)

Example PHP


$client = new soapclient('', true);

if ($err = $client->getError())
echo $err;
$parameters = array(
'lang' => {Language},
'account' => array( 'login' => {Your Login},
'password' => {Your Password}

$result = $client->call('GetCalendar', $parameters);

if ($client->fault) { echo 'Error';
else {
if ($err = $client->getError()) {
echo $err; }
else {
echo 'Result - ';
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